Guatemala Rio Ocho Tuj Kok

spot Kansas City

Crop: 2023 - 2024, harvested January 2024.
Also in stock: 2022 - 2023 crop harvested January 2023

Producers: Martina Bernardo de Martin and Juan Jose Martin Martin

Varieties: Arabica, Caturra, Red pache

Grade: Strictly hard bean (SHB)

Altitude: 1900 - 2000 meters

Preparation: Fully washed. Sun dried on concrete patios and black nylon

Certifications: None. Purchased through direct trade.

Packaging: 150lb jute sacks in EcoTact. European preparation

What we taste: A clean and balanced cup with flavors of pomegranate, orange, almonds, and vanilla

About the producers

Martina Bernardo de Martin and her husband Juan Jose are indigenous Mayan coffee producers who speak Mam. Martina is in charge of their family coffee fields and wet mill processing, while Jose coordinates the business. Their coffee is cultivated in the Sierra de Los Cuchumatanes mountains of Huehuetenango, approximately 3 hours north of the city of Huehuetenango. The coffee undergoes wet processing at a site amongst the coffee fields before being dried in the sun at their at home artisan wet mill. Processing in the remote area of Rio Ocho brings out fruity flavors and less acidic characteristics similar to that of a natural processed coffee. Kapeh Utz has worked with the Martin family since the start of our business!