The producers that partner with Kapeh Utz are at the center of the work we do. Each of these families, farms, or cooperatives has a unique story and approach to growing and processing coffee. At the end of the day, the coffee is theirs; we are simply the ones who get the privilege of selling it. It is a great honor to work and learn together!
Martina Bernardo de Martin &
Juan Jose Martin Martin
Rio Ocho, Guatemala
Arcenio Castillo Villatoro
Hola Blanca, Guatemala
Cooperative Co-Atitlan
Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala
Arturo Tuy Perez & family
Tzampetey, Guatemala
Juan Hernandez Aguilar
Rio Ocho, Guatemala
Ernane Pereira Carneiro
Carmo de Minas, Brazil
Small farms in Kochere District
Gedeo, Yirgacheffe, Ethipia
Héctor Higinio Campa Tereta
San Lucas Tolimán, Guatemala
Eleny Pereira Carneiro
Carmo de Minas, Brazil
Family farms in the Haro Wachu community
Guji, Oromia, Ethiopia
Delfino Galindo & family
Chel, Guatemala
Jose Antonio and Caio Pereira
Carmo de Minas, Brazil
Arisarina Cooperative
Gayo Aceh, Sumatra
Cooperative Tzampetey
San Miguel Tzampetey, Guatemala
Teran Family
Volcán Casitas, Nicaragua